Three new themes are now available, blooming like flowers in my yard:
- Spring and Summer vegetables with very nice recipes to bring home of Ratatouille and Chicken Crumble and a Swiss Chard and Salmon gratin. I finalized them last week and it has been a big success in my family. You would enjoy during the class a great stew of Asparagus with Olives and Bacon.
- The Onion, two delicious recipes to bring home: Pork Filet Mignon Orloff Style, which is a very old recipe, adding cheese and bacon to the Filet Mignon and a Shrimp and Tilapia Curry. If you like onions, you'll love the pissaladiere we'll taste during the class, again a traditional French recipe I adapted with onions, tomatoes and anchovies.
- Spring and Summer fruits, with two recipes to bring home for a whole dinner, an Apricot on Almond Paste Tart and a Chicken Tagine with Plums. The recipe for your meal with us, will be Raspberry Crumble. Of course, a savory treat will be served before.