Some good friends came over for dinner a couple of days ago and I cooked one of my favorite recipe I picked 3 years ago in a very good and famous French Chef, Jean-François Piège. At the end of the dinner, they asked for the recipe... for them and all my readers, here it is.
You need, for the sauce just carrot juice and Dijon mustard, the one with grains. This sauce is great on any fish filet, like Tilapia, sea bass or scallops. It's very simple : you heat a frying pan, add one tbsp of olive oil and cook the filets for a couple of min on each side. Then you put the filets aside and pour in the frying pan 3/4 of a cup of carrot juice (200ml) and 2 tbsp of mustard. Wait for a couple of min, then reheat the fish for 10s in the sauce. It's ready!
For the purée, you need, serving 4 people, 8 average carrots, 3/4 oz of fresh ginger (20g) , 1 garlic clove, 3/4 cup of heavy cream (crème UHT) and 3/4 cup of 2% milk (200ml). Peel and slice the carrots; peel and slice the ginger; peel the garlic clove. Fry them together for 5min with one tbsp of olive oil, then add the cream and milk. Cover and cook for 10 to 15min until the carrots are tender. Blend the carrots, ginger and garlic together with part of the milk and cream, according to the texture you like...
There you go! Very easy, different and yummy!!!