This is a recipe of a Thai "bouillabaisse", which means basically fish and seafood cooked in a broth. To be honest, one of my good friends made for us a very good version of Bouillabaisse a couple of days ago, which gave me the idea of this one. To make a long story short, you need, serving 6 :
- 6 cups of vegetable broth (1,5L)
- 1 can of coconut milk (400ml)
- 2 tsp of sweet curry (2 cuillères à café)
- 4 onions
- 2 garlic cloves
- 2 cans of diced tomatoes
- 4 fresh apples peeled and diced
- 2 limes
- 2 tsp of grated fresh ginger root
- 4 fish filets like Tilapia or seabass
- 18 uncooked shrimps
Slice the onions and garlic and fry them slowly in a dutch oven until translucent. Add the curry, salt pepper, the broth, the tomatoes, the apples, limes zests and juice, ginger and let it simmer for 30 to 45 min.
Add the coconut milk, the fish filets cut in 4 pieces and the shrimps. Bring to a light boil for 5 min. It's ready.
Serve like a soup or with white rice. A big question in my family: rice or no rice!!! No agreement yet!!
put me on the side with the rice-eaters--i think it's a requirement for a dish like this! :)