Saturday, November 5, 2011

Chorizo with fish : a good way to twist your usual recipes

I'm bad with only one post a month : the rhythm is very difficult to keep up.
Bon, a small trick for this one : you can add small pieces of chorizo with almost all the fishes, shrimps or squid.
Serving 4, cut 3 inches (10 cm) of chorizo in small pieces, prepare the squid and slice it. Warm olive oil in a frying pan ; fry one chopped garlic clove ; add the squid for 1 min, add the chorizo, and some tomato sauce. It's ready!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

A tip to enhance the flavour of your purees

Last week end, in France, it was summer and this week end it's definitely automn, with all the signs: fire in the fire place, lunch with mashed potatoes and tea at tea time ! I just tried that for lunch : just use your prefered herbs, sage, basil... and let them infuse in heavy cream for 2 hours. Then add the filtered heavy cream in you mashed potatoes ; they will get a very subbtle flavour.

Pas de doutes, les salades de tomates du jardin sont à remiser au placard et vive le retour des purées de pomme de terre du samedi midi. Bref, je viens d'essayer, pour donner un petit goût subtil à ma traditionnelle purée de pomme de terre, de faire infuser dans ma crème pendant 2h mon herbe préférée, à savoir la sauge. Cela marche aussi avec du basilic, du thym... Vous filtrez la crème et la rajoutez à votre purée de pomme de terre préalablement passée au moulin. Un délice de subtilité!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Ratatouille and chicken crumble

Back to work and difficult to keep up the rythm... Here is one my preferred recipe I was teaching in  my classes in Boston. Here it is!

Ingredients for 4 to 5 servings :
­ 1 average eggplant
­ 2 small red peppers
­ 1 onion
­ 2 average zucchini
­ 4 small tomatoes or 2 big round ones
­ 1 can of diced tomatoes
­ 3 chicken breasts (5oz each)
­ 5 tbsp of flour  (3 ½ oz)
­ 4 tbsp of butter (2oz)
­ 2 tbsp of bread crumbs
­ 2 tbsp of grated parmiggiano
­10 basil leaves
­ Olive oil, salt, pepper
­ 2 tbsp of Dijon mustard

Let’s do it
1. Preheat the oven to 300F
2. Wash the peppers and the eggplant; remove the seeds from the peppers
3. Cut the eggplant, peppers and onion in small cubes and spread them on a big pan lined with parchment paper. Spread vegetables with 5 tbsp of olive oil and 2 pinches of salt
4. Bake in the oven for 30min
5. Cut the zucchini and the tomatoes in small cubes
6. Add them to the pan and put back in the oven for 30min
7. Pour all the vegetables in the pot; add the diced tomatoes and let it simmer for 1h
8.Cut the butter in small pieces; shred the basil leaves
9.Put all the ingredients (flour, butter, basil, bread crumbs and parmiggiano) in a mixing bowl and mix them together in order to get a texture of thick sand
10. Put the mixture in the fridge for 1h or in the freezer for 15min
Gratin :
11. Pre-heat the oven to 400 F
12. Cut the chicken breasts in long slices and cover them with a thin layer of mustard
13.Fry them for 5 min in a pan
14.Put the breasts in the gratin dish, pour the ratatouille on top and spread the crumble over the ratatouille
15.Put the gratin dish in the oven for 30 min, until nicely browned

And the French version :

Ingrédients pour 4 à 5 personnes:
­ 1 aubergine moyenne
­ 2 petits poivrons rouges
­ 1 oignon
­ 2 courgettes moyennes
­ 4 petites tomates ou 2 grosses rondes
­ 1 boite de tomates en dés
­ 3 blancs de poulet (5oz / 140g chacun)
­ 5 tbsp  (cuillère à  soupe) de farine (3 ½ oz – 100g)
­ 4 tbsp de beurre (2oz- 60g)
­ 2 tbsp de chapelure (bread crumbs)
­ 2 tbsp  parmesan râpé
­10 feuilles de basilic
­ Huile d’olive, sel et poivre
­ 2 tbsp de moutarde de Dijon

Let’s do it
Ratatouille :
1. Préchauffer le four à 300F.
2. Lavez les poivrons et les aubergines ; coupez les poivrons et enlevez les graines.
3. Coupez-les, ainsi que l’oignon en petits cubes et répartissez -les sur une lèchefrite recouverte de papier sulfurisé. Répartissez dessus 5 cuillères à  soupe d’huile d’olive et 2 pincées de sel.
4. Mettez au four pendant 30 mn
5. Coupez les courgettes et les tomates en cubes. 
6. Ajoutez-les dans la lèchefrite  et remettez au four pendant 30 mn.
7. Mettez tous les légumes dans la marmite, ajoutez la boite de tomates en dés et faites mijoter à  feu doux pendant 1h.
Crumble :
8.Coupez le beurre en petits morceaux ; hachez les feuilles de basilic.
9.Mettez tous les ingrédients (farine, beurre, chapelure, parmesan et basilic) dans un cul de poule et mélangez en émiettant pour obtenir une texture sableuse.
10.Mettez 1h au réfrigérateur ou 15mn au congélateur.
Gratin :
11. Préchauffez le four à 400 F
12. Coupez les blancs de poulet en lanières puis en morceaux et recouvrez-les de moutarde de Dijon.
13. Faites les revenir à  la poêle pendant 5 mn.
14. Mettez-les au fond du plat à  gratin, recouvrez de ratatouille et répartissez le crumble sur le dessus.
15. Mettez au four pour 30mn. C’est prêt quand le crumble est doré.

Et voilà. J'espère que vous apprécierez. I hope you'll like it! 

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A great place for spices in Paris

I discovered a few weeks ago the new store of Olivier Rollinger, the famous cook from Cancale. He opened a spice store rue Saint Anne with a huge range of peppers, his own spice mixes, vanillas with a great cellar for vanillas (ask to visit it), and the pepper mill which is just perfect if you like to change peppers for each of your dishes. The other option being to have 5 or 6 pepper mills, each of them filled with different kind of peppers! It looks like a coffee mill and you just grind the exact amount you need. My favorite kitchen tool these days!
And the person who welcomes you in the store is warm and has a great knowledge of all her products. You have to go!!!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Paul's orange cake

My older son Paul makes a great orange cake, easy and delicious. We had a lot of success with this recipe when we arrived at the school pick up on Friday...
You need for a small cake serving 4 to 6:
- 4 oz / 2/3 cup of sugar (115g)
- 4 oz / 8 tbsp of butter (115g)
- 4 oz / a bit less than a cup of flour (115g)
- 2 eggs
- 1/2 a cup of orange juice (or multi fruit juice)
- 1 teaspoon of yeast
Pre-heat the oven to 180° (350F).
Mix together the softened butter with the sugar. Add the eggs. Finish with the flour, the orange juice, and the yeast.
Put the dough in a cake pan and bake for 30 to 35 min.
For the finish, you can melt 2 oz (50g) of dark chocolate and spread it on top of the cake.

Mon fils Paul fait un gâteau à l'orange du tonnerre. Nous avons eu un succès fou à la sortie de l'école vendredi dernier, en en ayant apporté un pour le goûter des copains.
Vous avez donc besoin de :
- 115g de sucre
- 115g de farine
- 115g de beurre mou
- 2 oeufs
- 1 c a c de levure chimique
- 1 verre (12,5cl) de jus d'orange ou multifruits.
Préchauffez le four à 180°.
Mélangez beurre et sucre. Ajoutez les oeufs. Finissez par la farine, le jus et la levure.
Mettez à four dans un plat à cake pour 30 à 35 min.
Vous pouvez, en guise de touche finale, étaler 50g de chocolat noir fondu sur le dessus du gâteau. Et voilà, succès garanti!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Can you enjoy rabbit?

Yes, in France, we enjoy rabbit, a lot. We can also eat frogs legs; which one is the most terrible? We have traditional recipes with mustard which are very good but often the meat gets dry while it's baked. Here is a recipe which keeps the meat soft and tender... Will you try it?
Serving 4, you need :
- a rabbit ; ask the butcher to cut it in pieces
- 1 tbsp of coriander seeds and 1 tbsp of cumin seeds
- 3 lemon, 1 for the juice and the 2 others will be cut and baked
- 1/10 of a cup of olive oil (10cl)
- 3/4 oz fresh ginger (20g)
- 5 garlic cloves
- 10 fingerlink potatoes
- 10 to 15 onion pearls
- 20 green olives
- fresh thyme
- salt and pepper
Make a marinade : mix the olive oil and one lemon juice ; add 1 crushed garlic clove, grated ginger, crushed coriander and cumin seeds (you can fry them for 5 min before you crush them), thyme. Put the marinade on the rabbit 2 hours before you cook it.
Cut the potatoes in 4 pieces (a bit like French fries), the lemons in 6 pieces. You can also use if it's the proper season, tomatoes and zuchinis. Pre-heat the oven at 350F (180C).
Spread the vegetables on the rabbit and bake it in the oven for 1 hour (with a foil on it for the first 30min). Baste the juice on the rabbit and vegetables from time to time.
So, how's the result???

Et, oui, en France, nous aimons le lapin. Nous mangeons aussi des cuisses de grenouilles ; ils sont vraiment bizarre, ces français! Nous avons de bonnes recettes traditionnelles avec de la moutarde mais souvent la viande de lapin dessèche à la cuisson. Voici donc une recette dans laquelle la viande reste tendre et moelleuse. Alors, vous essayez?
Pour 4, vous avez besoin de :
- 1 lapin coupé en morceaux par votre boucher
- 1 cuillère à soupe de graines de coriandre et 1 cuillère de soupe de graines de cumin
- 3 citrons, 1 pour le jus, 2 pour la cuisson de la viande
- 10 cl d'huile d'olive
- 20g de gingembre frais
- 5 gousses d'ail
- 10 pomme de terre ratte
- une botte d'onions tige
- 20 olives vertes
- du thym frais
- sel et poivre
Préparer la marinade : mélanger jus de citron et huile d'olive ; ajouter une gousse d'ail écrasée, le gingembre rapé, les graines de cumin et de coriandre réduites en poudre (vous pouvez les faire griller à la poêle avant de les écraser), le thym. Enduire les morceaux de lapin avec la marinade et mettre au frais pendant 2h.
Coupez les pommes de terre en 4 dans la longueur (format grosse frite), les citrons en 6 morceaux, également dans la longueur. Vous pouvez aussi utiliser si c'est la saison, des tomates et des courgettes.
Préchauffer le four à 180 degrés.
Répartir les légumes dans le plat à four dans lequel vous avez mis le lapin et la marinade. Enfournez pour 1h (avec un papier d'aluminium pour couvrir pendant les 30 premières minutes). Arrosez de temps en temps avec le jus de cuisson.
Alors, séduits?

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Blanquette with season vegetables

Yes, this is spring ; sun has been shining for weeks in Paris, so unusual!! This is also time to cook the vegetables of the season : onions pearls, small turnips, fresh carrots...
A blanquette is very simple : it is a stew with veal meat cooked in water, herbs and vegetables and at the end you make a sauce with cream and an egg yolk.
You need, serving 6 : 2lb of veal cut for stew, all the vegetables you like (2 or 3 carrots, 4 small turnips, a big onion and 10 onion pearls, fresh leeks...), fresh thyme, cloves, an egg yolk, heavy cream, 1 tbsp of butter and 1 tbsp of flour, lemon juice.
Put the meat in a dutch oven covered with cold water, add the peeled and cut vegetables, thyme and the onion with 4 cloves, salt and pepper and cook slowly for 2 hours.
When the meat is tender, make a "roux" : melt the butter in a pan, add the flour and 3 ladles of the meat and vegetable broth and whip until it gets thicker. Then add 2 tbsp of cream and the egg yolk and half a lemon juice.
Serve the meat and vegetables with the sauce. You can add rice as a side dish if you like, or boiled potatoes.
Spring is on your table !!

Alors, je tiens ma promesse et vous fais la version française...
Oui, le printemps est là et de façon inhabituelle, le soleil brille depuis des semaines. C'est aussi le bon moment pour cuisiner les légumes de printemps : oignons nouveaux, navets, carottes...
Une blanquette est juste un "ragout" de veau : la viande est mijotée dans l'eau avec des herbes et des légumes puis on fait une sauce avec le bouillon et de la crème et un jaune d'oeuf.
Vous avez donc besoin, pour 6, de 800 à 900 g de veau coupé en morceau, 2 à 3 carottes nouvelles, un gros oignon, des oignons tige, quelques navets nouveaux, du thym frais, des clous de girofle, de la crème fraiche, un jaune d'oeuf, une cuillère à soupe de beurre et de farine, un demi jus de citron.
Mettez la viande dans une cocotte ; couvrez d'eau froide ; ajoutez les légumes pelés et coupés, le gros oignon piqué de 4 clous de girofle, sel et poivre et faites mijoter pendant 2h.
A la fin de la cuisson, pour la sauce, faites un roux en faisant fondre le beurre ; ajoutez la farine et mélangez, ajoutez 3 louches de bouillon et mélangez jusqu'à ce que la sauce épaississe ; ajoutez 2 c.a.s de crème, 1 jaune d'oeuf et le jus de citron.
Servez la viande et les légumes arrosés de sauce ; vous pouvez accompagnez de riz ou de pomme de terre à l'eau.
Et voilà, une belle ode au printemps !!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Asparagus are back on farmers markets

A quick idea to accomodate fresh asparagus: peel them and cut the thin ones in 2 and the thick ones in 2 thin parts and then in 2 again. If you have some carrots, peel them and cut them just the same way.

Fry all the vegetables in a frying pan (ideally a wok) on a high heat for 3 min then cover, add pepper and salt, and reduce to low heat; cook for 10 to 15 min until the vegetables get smooth but not too soft. Add 2 tbsp of balsamic vinegar or xeres vinegar and this is a perfect side dish for any forthcoming barbecues.

You can also use, in that dish, almost any vegetable of the season, such as onion pearls, small artichokes, peas...

Les asperges sont de retour chez les maraîchers!

Une idée toute simple pour cuisiner une poêlée de légumes de saison : peler les asperges et coupez en deux dans le sens de la largeur celles qui sont épaisses, puis coupez les toutes en 2 dans le sens de la longueur. Si vous avez encore des carottes, pelez-les et coupez-les de la même manière.

Faites les revenir à la poêle à feu vif pendant 3 minutes puis couvrez et baisser le feu pendant 10 a 15 minutes. Les légumes doivent rester fermes et légèrement croquants. Ajoutez avant de servir 2 cuillères à soupe de vinaigre balsamique ou de xérès. Cette poêlée est un accompagnement parfait pour tous vos barbecues à venir.

Vous pouvez, bien sûr, être créatifs sur les légumes choisis : petits pois, oignons grelots ou tige, artichauts poivrade...

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Kids friendly spinach

The question of the day: how do I get my kids eat spinach, the 3 of them, with no grumpy face? What a challenge! The idea of the day is Stuffed Crêpes with Béchamel, with ham and parmesan. Whao, it worked! two out of three said it was very good and the last one said he did not really liked it but ate it.
This is not a short recipe but you can also use it as an idea to make savory crêpes before the sweet ones.
Serving 5, you need :
- 10 crêpes
- chopped cooked spinach, 10 tbsp
- 2 tbsp of grated parmesan
- 2 thick slices of cooked ham and 5 slices of prosciutto
- 2 tbsp of flour
- 2 tbsp of butter
- 1 1/2 cup of milk (400ml)
- grated cheddar cheese

Make a thick Béchamel or white sauce: 2 tbsp of butter melted in a sauce pan, add 2 tbsp of flour, whip vigourously and add 2 cups of milk and cook slowly for 10min until it gets thick, then add the grated parmiggiano.
Dice the ham and prosciutto
Mix them in the Béchamel with spinach.
Put 3 tbsp of the spinach Béchamel on each crêpe and fold them. Add some cheddar cheese on top and put the crêpes in a preheated oven (400F) for 15 min until the cheese has melted and got nicely brown.
And please share your success... or not...

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Samosas or creative ideas to have a fun dinner with kids

Yesterday's dinner idea was quite simple and very convenient as I finished the vegetables leftovers in my fridge.
The basic idea is to have filo pastry filled with a stuffing of your choice.
For my recipe, you need, for 12 samosas :
- 6 filo pastries
- an egg yolk
- 1 thick slice of cooked ham
- 4 slices of prosciutto
- 2 onions
- 4 cooked brocoli florets
- 4 tbsp of spinach
- 4 sun dried tomatoes

- prepare the stuffing : dice the onions and all the hams and fry them until nicely browned
- cut the filo in 2 half circles ; put a tbsp of stuffing + a tbsp of tomatoes or half a broccoli or 1 tbsp of spinach and follow my drawing to fold them in triangle
- spread egg yolk with a brush on each and put them for 10 min in a pre-heated oven (400F)
Ask your kids to put any vegetable they like in their samosa and help them fold them ; they'll eat them for sure!
Enjoy with a green salad and you have a very balanced dinner!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

A nice marinade for salmon

I improvised a lunch with friends today and my fridge was almost empty. I only had in my freezer salmon steaks. Let's defrost them and bake them with a nice marinade.
Put the 4 salmon steaks in a dish, cover them with the juice and zests of 2 limes, 2 lemon juices, 6 tbsp of soy sauce, tasty and fruity whole pepper (like 20 seeds), salt and 4 tbsp of olive oil. Let it marinate for 1h and bake the steaks in a dish covered with foil for 10 min in a pre-heated oven (400F). So simple!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Spring in Paris and a Croque Monsieur at a terrace

Today, suddenly, winter was over and we enjoyed sun and warmth. My boys were in T shirts playing and rollerskating in the park close to our apartment. You just felt like not going back inside. Therefore, we made a big decision: let's have lunch at the Café around the corner and let's have a Croque Monsieur ! My boys loved it!
Actually, it's very simple, if you don't have a Café around the corner to make it for you : you just need for a simple Croque Monsieur, hard cheese, cooked ham, butter and sliced sandwich bread.
Take a slice of bread and spread a bit of butter on one side, then put a slice of ham and a slice of cheese, another slice of bread with butter again; the butter should be outside the sandwich. Then cook it in the oven (350F) or in pan for 10 min until nicely brown.
For a change, put a fried egg on top and it's a Croque Madame... my son thinks it's nicer, so it must be a "Madame" ; you can also add grated parmesan on top, and even bechamel (see my post of April 2010 on asparagus) and grated parmesan on top.
Just enjoy with a green salad and an apple as a dessert for a balanced meal.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Raspberry for dessert!

If you have a dinner with friends and you're wondering what to serve for dessert, yummy and light... this recipe is for you...
The idea is very simple you choose the fruits of the season, any berries, oranges, grapefruits or a mix of them. Split the fruits between the individual ramekins.
Before dessert, serving 4, whip 4 egg yolks with 1/4 oz (80g) of powdered sugar (sucre glace) and 4 tbsp of orange juice ; cook this sabayon on a bain-marie whipping all the time, until the texture gets thicker.
When it's ready split it between the ramekins and broil them for a few minutes until nicely brown. Et voilà!!!
Many variants are possible : you can replace orange juice by any alcohol you like ; you can add fresh grated ginger, vanilla, of course cinnamon...
The only drawback of this recipe is that you have to spend 10 min in the kitchen to make it at the last minute. Not so bad if you're in the US with a open kitchen, though!!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Artichokes go along very well with lemon

I wanted to make something new, yesterday evening, for a dinner with friends. I had made the decision for the main course : sea bass baked in the oven with lemon juice, olive oil, black olives, basil, dried tomatoes and a little bit of butter. I was wondering what would be the ideal side dish.
My idea of yesterday was an artichoke purée : you boil 3 to 4 artichokes hearts per person, then you blend them with heavy cream (one tbsp), lemon juice (one teaspoon), olive oil (one tbsp), salt, pepper until you reach the desired texture. If you want to serve it like a purée, you don't need the texture to be too liquid. You can also put the purée in a siphon to give it the texture of a chantilly : then, the texture needs to be quite liquid, like a thick coulis.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

For those who like Thai inspired recipes

This is a recipe of a Thai "bouillabaisse", which means basically fish and seafood cooked in a broth. To be honest, one of my good friends made for us a very good version of Bouillabaisse a couple of days ago, which gave me the idea of this one. To make a long story short, you need, serving 6 :
- 6 cups of vegetable broth (1,5L)
- 1 can of coconut milk (400ml)
- 2 tsp of sweet curry (2 cuillères à café)
- 4 onions
- 2 garlic cloves
- 2 cans of diced tomatoes
- 4 fresh apples peeled and diced
- 2 limes
- 2 tsp of grated fresh ginger root
- 4 fish filets like Tilapia or seabass
- 18 uncooked shrimps
Slice the onions and garlic and fry them slowly in a dutch oven until translucent. Add the curry, salt pepper, the broth, the tomatoes, the apples, limes zests and juice, ginger and let it simmer for 30 to 45 min.
Add the coconut milk, the fish filets cut in 4 pieces and the shrimps. Bring to a light boil for 5 min. It's ready.
Serve like a soup or with white rice. A big question in my family: rice or no rice!!! No agreement yet!!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Another way of cooking lentils with salmon

You know already I love lentils and I'm always looking for some new creative way of cooking them. This recipe is very simple but the result is great.
You need, serving 4 people: 4 shallots, 1 cup of lentils, 3 slices of smoked salmon, heavy cream, 2 carrots.
Slice the shallots and fry them in a dutch oven until nicely brown. Dice the carrots. Pour the lentils in the dutch oven and the carrots and and cover with cold water, add a pinch of salt. Let them cook for 45 min slowly.
Drain them when they're cooked. Add the smoked salmon cut in small pieces and 1/4 pint of heavy cream... This is ready as a side dish for any fish filet, like tilapia or salmon.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Today, crêpes party...

It was the Chandeleur a week ago, special Crêpes day in France. I know I'm late...It's the "fête des Chandelles" which means the candle day, as a symbol of the purification of Maria, the blessed Virgin, and also as a symbol of the end of the winter (yes, a bit too soon in the reality, I know). And what about crêpes? 2 ideas, the crêpe looks like the Sun and therefore is a symbol of Spring or it was the beginning of the sowing season and the extra seeds were used to make crepes as a symbol of prosperity. To make it short, it's still a tradition to have crêpes for the Chandeleur in France and my children love it.

A simple and easy recipe for about 12 to 15 crêpes:
- 3 cups of milk (75 cl)
- 1 1/2 cup of all purpose flour (200g)
- 3 eggs
- you can add a drop of orange blossom water or a drop of rhum
- a pinch of salt
- 2 tbsp of butter (30g)
- for sweet crêpes, 2 tbsp of sugar

Mix flour, salt and milk. Then add the eggs, the melted butter, rhum or orange blossom. The texture of the dough should be smooth. Leave the dough aside for an hour.
Then heat the frying pan with a bit of oil. Pour a small ladle of dough in the pan ; let it cook for a couple of minutes and flip it to cook it on the other side.
I love crêpes with a bit of lemon juice and a tbsp of sugar ; my son Gabriel love them with a thin slices of chocolate you put on the crêpe in the pan so that they can melt. It's nice also with jam, only sugar, maple syrup, whipped cream and fresh strawberries...
If you chose not to put any sugar in the dough, you can enjoy these crêpes savory and have them with an egg, ham and cheese, what we call a Complète in Brittany.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Fish filets with mustard and carrot juice sauce and carrot ginger purée

Some good friends came over for dinner a couple of days ago and I cooked one of my favorite recipe I picked 3 years ago in a very good and famous French Chef, Jean-François Piège. At the end of the dinner, they asked for the recipe... for them and all my readers, here it is.

You need, for the sauce just carrot juice and Dijon mustard, the one with grains. This sauce is great on any fish filet, like Tilapia, sea bass or scallops. It's very simple : you heat a frying pan, add one tbsp of olive oil and cook the filets for a couple of min on each side. Then you put the filets aside and pour in the frying pan 3/4 of a cup of carrot juice (200ml) and 2 tbsp of mustard. Wait for a couple of min, then reheat the fish for 10s in the sauce. It's ready!

For the purée, you need, serving 4 people, 8 average carrots, 3/4 oz of fresh ginger (20g) , 1 garlic clove, 3/4 cup of heavy cream (crème UHT) and 3/4 cup of 2% milk (200ml). Peel and slice the carrots; peel and slice the ginger; peel the garlic clove. Fry them together for 5min with one tbsp of olive oil, then add the cream and milk. Cover and cook for 10 to 15min until the carrots are tender. Blend the carrots, ginger and garlic together with part of the milk and cream, according to the texture you like...
There you go! Very easy, different and yummy!!!